Got a burning question about the Penguin Agents you want answered? Or maybe you wanna exchange emails with one of the Penguin Agents! Feel like you want to tell us how we can improve Penguins: Defenders of Antarctica? Maybe you just wanna send your favourite character some fanmail? Perhaps you like what you see and wish to hire Alpha Yu to illustrate your own projects. Well, have no fear - you can use this box here to contact him, or if you have an image, such as a picture of a funzone activity or a piece of fanart you want to send us, you can use the address to wire it right to us. The contact box leads to the same place, so either way you'll be able to watch us.
If you wish to speak to Alpha Yu, creator of the webtoon directly, please write the words "TO ALPHA YU" in the first line of your message.
If you wish to speak to one of the Penguin Agents or their enemies, please write the words "TO (character name)" in the first line of your message.
Alternatively, perhaps you would like to follow us on Instagram. You can find us @shonen_bag! Please note that due to the busy schedule of the Penguin Agents (being crime fighters isn't easy!) and their artist (drawing crime fighters every week isn't easy either!), your email may not receive a response immediately. However, I promise that as long as this contact box is active, your emails will be read!
Thank you for talking to us! We love hearing everything from you, good or bad! Don't hesitate to talk to us.